Experiencing back pain? Here are some remedies that will prove to be useful to relieve the back pain.
It can be mainly called as a feeling of discomfort or ache in the back region of your body .
Our back Is composed of complex muscles, ligaments, bones, etc. That work in a coordinated fashion to enable movement.
In some segments we have cartilages that act as cushion called as disks.
Any injury or problem in this system can be a cause of back pain.
It is the most common form and any tension in the muscle group, muscle spasm due to heavy weight lifting improperly, or awkward positioning of the body while lifting or fractures can cause strain.
Posture can also promote low back pain or muscle pain, example, keeping your back hunched for too long will lead to low back pain.
Hot packs have been found extremely beneficial to relieve muscle spasms .You can use hot bags and add some warm water and apply it to the affected area.
As mentioned above good posture is very important to improve low back pain. DO NOT SLOUCH IF YOU SIT FOR LONG TIME PERIOD.Sit upright, with shoulders relaxed and body supported against the back of a chair or couch.
Yoga is extremely effective to cure low back pain. It improves overall health, improves blood circulation, muscle stiffness and reduces spasticity. It also improved the spine flexibility.
Start performing yoga slowly for beginners and slowly progress, gradually add more stretches to your yoga routine. Ideally the best time to practice yoga in early in the morning. All you need is a yoga mat to get started .
You can buy the best yoga mat at .
Ice pack causes vasoconstriction that means it will reduce the blood flow, therefore decreases swelling and inflammation. You can crush the ice in a towel and gently apply with slight compression over the affected area
This is a technique which refers to the alternate application of hot and cold to the affected area. Apply heat for 3 minutes and cold for 1 minute. 3:1 ratio is to be followed, due to this alternate application, it enhances the vasodilation and vasoconstriction there relaxing the muscle soreness and preventing inflammation and swelling.
Elevation, of the affected area.
Gently massage the back, you can also use foal rollers to release the trigger points to relieve pain.
Seek doctors help for proper medication. Pain killers can be helpful and NSAIDS (non- steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs) can be effective.
Seek the help of a physiotherapist to help manipulation technique or overall strengthening of the affected area.
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December 15, 2023
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